Research to Business
Offer: 731

With biohybrid composite material to 3D cell culture model

KIT has developed a unique process to produce customized three-dimensional composite materials for the coating of culture vessels. The biohybrid materials have precisely controllable mechanical properties.

In addition to medical and tissue technology, biohybrid composite materials are also used in biotechnology, robotics and nanotechnology, depending on their properties. (Image: angellodeco / Shutterstock)

In medicine, materials with high biocompatibility are true superheroes: They interact with biological systems, including the human body, without triggering harmful reactions. 3D cell cultivation uses this superpower to mimic biological processes in non-biological environments, such as artificial organs. If mixtures of synthetic (non-biological) and biocompatible (biological) materials are used to produce materials, so-called biohybrid three-dimensional composite materials with special properties are created.

State of the art

The conventional two-dimensional cell cultivation in a petri dish does not allow the reproduction of complex three-dimensional tissue structures and organ models due to the flat surface. By coating the dish with a three-dimensional composite material, however, a spatial arrangement of the cells is possible. The physicochemical properties of such composite materials play an important role in the optimal growth of cells, but these properties cannot yet be adjusted precisely enough and the material cannot be produced reproducibly.


A new manufacturing process from the Institute of Biological Interfaces 1 (IBG-1) at KIT can be used to reproducibly produce composite materials with precisely defined physicochemical properties. The process produces a three-dimensional biohybrid composite material with variably adjustable mechanical stiffness. Biocompatible DNA molecules are polymerized with synthetic silica nanoparticles and carbon nanotubes to form the composite material. The ratio of these components determines the mechanical stiffness of the composite material, which significantly influences the interaction of the material with the cells. Studies with the composite material produced in this way have shown that organoids, i.e. "organ-like" cell structures, exhibit very good growth properties - similar to those in natural environments.


The DNA molecules in the composite can be easily degraded by adding enzymes. For example, a finished organoid can be easily removed from the material and used for further research purposes.

Options for companies

The biohybrid layers can be of great benefit in drug screening without animal testing, but also for manufacturers of cultivation vessels. For industrial implementation, KIT is looking for partners for licensing and use.

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Your contact person for this offer

Jan-Niklas Blötz
Innovation Manager New Materials and Health Technologies
Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT)
Innovation and Relations Management (IRM)
Phone: +49 721 608-26107
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