Technology Offers
Acoustic signals generated by lasers
A novel laser-controlled audio system has been developed at KIT that generates sound waves in a controlled and spatially non-contact manner by laser plasma modulation. Auditory sound, ultrasound and higher-frequency signals can be generated.
- Analytics
- Biotechnology
- Chemical industry
- Simulation and data processing
- Medicine and healthcare
- Software and IT
- Optical Industry
Detection of analytes using binding kinetics
New analytical method enables transformation of unselective inexpensive materials into selective receptors and increases the selectivity of established bioreceptors.
Contrast medium for tumor detection
New complex compound for use as contrast medium to facilitate tumor detection by MRI.
- Analytics
- Medicine and healthcare
- Measurement technology
- Pharmaceutical industry
- Simulation and data processing
- Optical Industry
Breast cancer detection by 3D Ultrasonic Computer Tomography
KIT scientists develop new imaging method for the early detection of breast cancer.